Friday, September 7, 2018

How to use DBSync’s template library to get greater results

Have you ever struggled with an integration project? Well, you are not alone. Most of us do, particularly if you are like me an “integration citizen”.
The great news is that DBSync provides you with a powerful library of templates or PDLs, which contain examples for a variety of useful cases. You can import them into your workspace and run the projects as they are or, alternatively modify them according to your needs.
Accessing these wonderful templates is easy and straightforward. Just do the following steps:

Step 1: Access the template library

The template library can be accessed from the DBSync’s system main page via two different ways: the main menu and the Template Library button. Click on any of them, and you will be prompted to a screen with a list of the available templates

Figure 1: Template library access

Step 2: Select the template that you need

Now that you are in the list of available PDLs, you can search via keywords for a specific template or scroll down the list until you find what you need. Each PDL has a name and a description. You can expand the description by clicking on View More.
Once you have found the correct PDL, click on its name. You will be prompted to the corresponding template’s webpage.
Figure 2: Select the template

Step 3: Import the template

Each template’s webpage includes a more detailed description of the template and an Import to Workspacebutton. Read the contents, and if you are satisfied that it is what you need, click on the import button. The project defined in the selected PDL will be added to your workspace.
Figure 3: Import the template

Step 4: Check the project in your workspace

The project is now in your workspace and you can use it according to your needs. Check the content, such as connectors, workflows, etc. Modify whatever you need and run it. Your project has been completed!
Figure 4: Check the project in your workspace

Final words

In this article we have seen that DBSync provides you with a set of pre-built projects or PDLs. These projects can be easily imported into your workspace by following the above steps. Once the project is in your workspace, you can modify its content according to your specific needs.
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